Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sherron Collins

Posted without any presumption of truthfulness:

Someone from my dorm last year had a class with Sherron Collins and a few other basketball players (Darrell Arthur, Brady Morningstar, maybe someone else) and they always sit next to each other and cheat on tests and such.

Sherron enters class on a test day and immediately goes and sits right next to the other players, and of course you're supposed to have a seat between you and the closest person. The teacher tells Sherron to sit in the front of the class, where there are five or six completely empty rows. Sherron doesn't even look up and just yells 'AIN'T NO SEATS' and proceeds to continue in his studious ways and miraculously gets an A on the test while sitting next to the basketball players
This becomes a catchphrase on my floor of the dorm last year and we named our basketball ticket camping group after it.

Another story is Sherron was sleeping around with girls on the floor above me last year (he already has had two kids and supposedly has a girlfriend he's serious with). The people who were in the next room over from the one Sherron was in hear the girl let out a high pitched scream and then yell "NOT IN THE BUTT, SHERRON!"


Patterson said...

what happened to the post?

Welcome to KU Fanatics! said...
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Welcome to KU Fanatics! said...

the whole "NOT IN THE BUTT" story has to be totally made up. sherron has a serious girlfriend and theyve been together since high school. he's extremely committed to her and his two children too and wouldn't do such a thing. he never really had a father figure growing up and has said he wants to be in his children's lives. i dont see him doing that.